3 Further Institutes

Under the umbrella of the Research Field Earth and Environment, further scientific institutions have been established that focus on selected issues of major societal significance with specific research profiles. Administratively, they are assigned to individual Helmholtz Centers, but publish independent websites, which can be accessed by the links below.

Symboldbild für Weitere Institute: Faden mit Stecknadeln
© mpix-foto AdobeStock


Climate Service Center Germany

The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) was initiated by the German government in 2009 as part of the German High-Tech Strategy for Climate Protection. Since June 2014, GERICS has been a scientifically independent organizational unit of the Helmholtz Center Hereon. The interdisciplinary team of GERICS develops science-based, prototype products and services to support decision-makers in politics, business and public administration on climate change issues.

Eisberg und Gletscher im Polarmeer
© Pexels/Christian Pfeifer

HIFMB Oldenburg

Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity

The Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB) is a cooperation between the Alfred Wegener Institute and the University of Oldenburg. The research institute based in Oldenburg explores marine biodiversity and its importance for the functioning of marine ecosystems. Scientists at the HIFMB not only investigate the biodiversity changes in a world of transition, they also develop scientific foundations for marine conservation and ecosystem management.

Hafenrose - eingeschleppte und etablierte Art in der Nord- und Ostsee
© AWI/Dagmar Lakschewitz

RIFS - Research Institute for Sustainability

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

The Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam RIFS was founded in 2009 as “Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS”. Integrated into the “Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ”, RIFS will continue its work under the umbrella of the Helmholtz Association from January 1, 2023. Its scientific focus lies on transformative sustainability research and pursues the goal of better understanding, promoting and shaping processes of societal change towards sustainability.

Eine kleine Pflanze wird in der Hand gehalten; Markierungen mit Kreide sind auf das Bild gezeichnet
© Pexels/Akil Mazumder; Pexels/Pixabay

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