2 Research Centres

In the Research Field Earth and Environment, seven Helmholtz centers are working together to gain a better understanding of the earth system. They explore the complex processes that determine our natural foundations of life – from the highest atmosphere to the Earth’s deepest crust, from the past to the future, from the land surface to the oceans to the most remote polar regions.

© Pexels/Pixabay

Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)

Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

The Alfred Wegener Institute coordinates German polar research and is primarily active in the cold and temperate regions of the earth. This also includes the North Sea with its coastal regions. Well-connected internationally, the AWI is one of the few research centres in the world that is equally active – marine and terrestrial – in the Arctic and Antarctic. The institute therefore also provides efficient, internationally renowned polar and expedition logistics.

Forschungsschiff Polarstern im arktischen Eis
© AWI/Stefan Hendricks

Forschungszentrum Jülich

Shaping change – that is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, with around 6,400 employees, options for the digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system and resource-saving management are being researched by FZJ. We combine natural, life and technical sciences in the fields of information, energy and bioeconomy with special expertise in high-performance computing and use of unique scientific infrastructures.

Fotomontage: Grünes Blatt mit einer Computerchip-Struktur
© Pexels/Pixabay; Pexels/Sneaky Head

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

GEOMAR explores the global ocean from the atmosphere to the seafloor. Important fields of research are ocean circulation and climate dynamics, marine biogeochemistry, marine ecology and the dynamics of the ocean floor. Only a fundamental understanding of the ocean system can provide sustainable solutions to urgent problems facing mankind. Through its research and its commitment to the transfer of knowledge and technologies, GEOMAR contributes significantly to the protection and preservation of essential functions of the world’s oceans.

© GEOMAR/Annegret Stuhr

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

With around 1200 employees, the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research investigates the causes and consequences of environmental changes in the terrestrial regions of the earth. With its knowledge, the UFZ supports the United Nations, the EU, the federal government, states and municipalities in adaptation strategies to climate change, in the sustainable management of water resources or even the implementation of European directives in the areas of water, biodiversity and chemicals. Its expertise is in demand by the World Biodiversity or the World Climate Council as well as by the German Bioeconomy Council.

Messturm im Wald
© UFZ/André Künzelmann

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon

In earth system research, Hereon works scientifically and advisory on solution options for the challenges of climate change. With its comprehensive research expertise, it contributes to the sustainable management and protection of coastal and marine environments. Furthermore, Hereon’s scientific spectrum includes high-performance materials, environment-friendly technologies and process engineering for mobility and new energy systems. In addition, biomaterials are being researched for medicine and to enhance quality of life.

Küste mit Sandstrand
© Pexels/Julia

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ

The GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences investigates the dynamics of the solid earth and develops solutions for the social challenges of our time. A fundamental understanding of the properties, structure and history of the earth is an important prerequisite for maintaining the earth as a safe place to live. More than 1500 people are therefore working to deepen our knowledge of the earth system and, for example, to provide energy and mineral resources for a rapidly growing population and to reduce geo-risks.

© Pexels/Nadi Lindsay

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

As “Research University in the Helmholtz Association”, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) creates and conveys knowledge for society and the environment. The aim is to make innovative contributions to global challenges. About 9800 employees work together on a broad disciplinary basis in natural sciences, engineering, economics, humanities, and social sciences. The research topics bundled in the KIT Climate and Environment Center range from the atmosphere, water, ecosystems, and geo-resources to urban systems, natural hazards, and artificial intelligence.

Ballon des KIT kurz vor dem Start: Links der Hauptballon (400.000 Kubikmeter Volumen), rechts die Hilfsballons mit der startklaren Nutzlast. Bei der Messkampagne sollen Substanzen in der Stratosphäre gemessen werden.
© KIT/Hermann Oelhaf

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