7 Apps & Multimedia

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The CO2 Budget

Multimedia Webstory

Be it floods, forest fires or droughts – the effects of climate change are already being felt today. The latest IPCC report talks plain language, too: We only have a limited CO2 budget and must act quickly and effectively if we want to limit climate change to a tolerable level. What the CO2 budget is and what it means is explained in this multimedia web story produced by UFZ, AWI and Helmholtz Climate Initiative, which was produced immediately after publication of the 6th IPCC report on the physical science basis.

Ausschnitt aus der multimedialen Webstory CO2-Budget

Follow Polarstern

On expedition in Arctic and Antarctica

About 305 days a year the German research icebreaker Polarstern spends in the Arctic and Antarctic. Where exactly is the ship right now? How cold might it be there? What’s on the research agenda? This progressive web app shows position of Polarstern and local weather data around the ship in real time. Current photos and reports make life and research on board tangible. The website works both as an app on mobile devices and via internet browser.

Bildschirmfoto von der Polarstern-WebApp

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