1 Research Program

One Research Program: Changing Earth – Sustaining our Future

The seven centers in the Helmholtz Research Field Earth and Environment work under the umbrella of a joint research program. In a hitherto unique pooling of scientific expertise and resources, more than 4,000 scientists are researching the enormous complexity of the earth system. As climate change, loss of biodiversity, geological risks and environmental destruction are among the greatest challenges of our time they are also addressing central questions for the future of mankind.

Grafische Darstellung des Erdsystems mit Atmosphäre, Hydrosphäre, Biosphäre, Geosphäre, Cryosphäre und Anthroposphäre

Synthesis- and Communication Platform SynCom

SynCom is an instrument of the research program “Changing Earth” to support society in questions of crucial importance for the future. It synthesises scientific results from current earth system research and makes them applicable for political or societal decision-making processes. As an interface between science and politics, SynCom advises stakeholders from politics, business and other sectors, creating networks and connect them with experts from the Helmholtz Research Field Earth and Environment.

Fünf Wissenschaftler:innen in einer Podiumsdiskussion
© David Marschalsky

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